“Normal, but Perfect,” The Powerful Decision Framework for Unleashing Your Best Life

Written by: MJ DEMARCO

This post (and newsletter article) was inspired by another thread (and many others) when I repeatedly ask people, “What’s your normal, but perfect” day look like?”

“Normal, but Perfect,” A Decision Framework for Living Your Best Life

The most common question asked at the forum is always about decisions.

Do I start this business?
Learn this skill?
Skip college?
What do I do?

I almost always retort, “Where do you want to be in 5 years?”

Picture this: You wake up five years from now.

The air is crisp, and the morning light filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow over your room. You stretch, feeling the comfort of a bed that seems custom-made for your body. Because it is.

To your left, your partner—your confidant, your love—sleeps peacefully.

As you rise, your feet meet the smooth, hardwood floors. The crackle of a fireplace fills the room, its flickering light reflecting off the walls of a space entirely yours. This is your sanctuary, your home—paid off, perfectly aligned with your taste, and symbolic of your journey.

It could be a sun-drenched loft in Chicago or NYC, where the hum of urban life energizes you. Or it’s a secluded cabin in the Catskills, where the silence is broken only by the rustle of leaves. Whatever the setting, it’s your dream home, shared with your dream partner.

Today isn’t special because of a holiday or an event; it’s special because it’s your “normal, but perfect” day.

Your “Normal, But Perfect” Day

As you move through the morning, you do at your own pace, with the freedom that comes from years of making the right choices.

You pour a cup of fresh-brewed coffee, savoring the aroma as you share a moment with your spouse. There’s no rush. The day is yours, and it’s filled with the things that make you feel alive.

Perhaps you start with a brisk run through the woods after dropping the kids off at school. The air is fresh, the path familiar. You return home, energized, and settle in to answer a few business emails in your home office—a space that’s as inspiring as it is functional. Then, you retreat to your backyard treehouse, the perfect spot to write that book you’ve always dreamed of.

Later, you head to your basement home gym, where you push your limits, knowing that every drop of sweat brings you closer to your peak physical condition. Afterward, you volunteer at a local animal shelter, a cause close to your heart. The animals know you by scent, and the staff greets you with warm smiles—you’re not just a volunteer; you’re a benefactor with an entire wing named after you.

As the day unfolds, you meet with a handpicked team working on a project that excites your soul. It’s not just work; it’s a passion. The afternoon is spent cheering on your kid at their baseball game, your heart swelling with pride. And as the sun sets, you enjoy a late dinner with your spouse, discussing life, dreams, and the future you’re still building together.

The Power of Purpose and Vision

This day is extraordinary, not because of what you’re doing, but because of how you feel—completely content, satisfied, and in control.

There’s no debt hanging over your head, no stress gnawing at your nerves. You’re living harmoniously with your surroundings, your purpose, and yourself. But here’s the thing—this isn’t a once-in-a-lifetime experience. This is your normal.

But let’s rewind for a moment. You’ve just taken a glimpse into your future—a day that could be your reality in five short years. It’s vivid, it’s tangible, and it’s within your reach.

But it won’t just happen by chance.

You need to create it, one decision at a time.

Step 1: Paint Your Picture

Start by grabbing a notebook or opening a blank document. Write down, in meticulous detail, what your perfect day looks like—hour by hour. This isn’t just about the big things like where you live or what you do for a living. It’s about the small moments that make up your day.

  • What time do you wake up?
  • What’s the first thing you do?
  • What does your morning routine look like?
  • How do you spend your afternoon?
  • Who’s with you in the evening?
  • What are you driving and where are you living?
  • How is your health?
  • What does your work look like?
  • Your hobbies?

Write it all down as if it’s happening now.

Step 2: Set Your Intentions

With your vision in hand, it’s time to use it as your compass. Every decision, big or small, should be weighed against this vision. When faced with a choice, ask yourself: Does this move me closer to my perfect day, or does it push me further away

Is this job offer in line with the life I want to live, or is it a detour?

Does this relationship elevate me, or does it drain me?

Your vision isn’t just a dream—it’s your decision making framework.

Step 3: Take Relentless Action

Your “normal but perfect” day isn’t just a fantasy—it’s a goal. And goals require action.

Break down your perfect day into achievable steps. If working from home is part of your vision, what must you do this month, this week, and today to make that a reality? If financial freedom is your aim, what concrete steps are you taking now to ensure that future? The key is to start small but be relentless. Each action, no matter how minor, is progress toward your perfect day.

This is where GoalSumo.com.com comes in—a platform I cofounded to help people like you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

GoalSumo.com is the productivity system I’ve used in the last 2 years, a system that helped me learn how to play piano, get in shape (lost my love handles and packed on muscle!), and write my next book.

GoalSumo is built around the principle of backwardation—reverse-engineering your perfect day by setting clear, actionable goals.

When you set an ambitious goal—creating a ten-figure business, achieving peak physical fitness, or crafting your dream home—GoalSumo helps you break it down into manageable steps. It turns your “normal but perfect” day into a decision framework.

At GoalSumo, laser-focused action is the priority. Every week, you set a new goal, a step that brings you closer to your vision.

Whether tackling a specific project, making a financial decision, or prioritizing your health, GoalSumo keeps you on track each day but keeps that day focused on the big picture.

Of course, if you prefer, the backwardation strategy can work just as well with a simple pen and paper—this is how I did it for years before cofounding GoalSumo.

Step 4: Revisit and Refine

Life is dynamic, and so is your vision. Revisit your perfect day regularly. As you grow and change, so too might your aspirations. And that’s okay. Adjust your vision to reflect your evolving growth.

Your perfect day should always be a true reflection of your most authentic self. Keep refining, keep adjusting, but never lose sight of the end goal.

Here’s a personal story: I wrote out my vision years ago, long before GoalSumo existed. My dreams then included owning a Ferrari and following pro sports religiously. Here’s the story and the picture:

As time passed, I realized some desires no longer aligned with my goals. In my 20s, I wanted court-side seats to the Chicago Bulls games. In my 30s, I had zero interest in it. So, I adjusted my vision— your “normal but perfect” constantly changes.

Step 5: Activate Your Vision

This exercise isn’t about escapism or fantasy; it’s about creating a roadmap for your future. It’s about making intentional decisions today that will shape the life you want tomorrow.

Visualization is a powerful tool, but its true strength lies in its ability to guide your actions. When you align your daily choices with your future vision, you begin to live with purpose and intention. You become selective about how you spend your time, who you spend it with, and what you focus on.

And here’s the secret I’ve been saying for years: if you’re actively working toward your dream, you’re already living the dream.

Happiness isn’t something you achieve once you reach the finish line; it’s something you experience along the journey. So, as you go about your day today, keep that “normal but perfect” day in mind.

Ask yourself with every choice you make: Is this choice bringing me closer to that day? Then, act accordingly.

The life you want isn’t just a distant dream—it’s within reach, one intentional decision at a time.

MJ DeMarco signature

Best wishes,

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